
Old Town Automobile does consider trades, however, we generally only consider LOCAL trades so we have the opportunity to see the vehicle in person. In most cases we will need to see the vehicle in person for inspection. We do this to ensure all the cars we sell meet our high standards. It is the trader’s responsibility to bring their car to us for inspection.

What we don’t trade for:

  • real estate
  • vacation homes
  • boats
  • mobile homes
  • motorcycles
  • foreign cars
  • newer model cars


Send a few photos in one e-mail, including exterior, interior and engine to Or, if your car is listed on a website, send us the DIRECT LINK* to the car. Please don’t ask us to go to a site and hunt down the car looking through various categories. Not only is this time-consuming, but we’re never 100% certain we’re looking at the correct car.

Be specific about the car of ours in which you’re interested.

Include your contact information with telephone number as well as where are you located.

* If you’re not sure what the link or URL is, simply visit the page your car is on. Look up toward the top of the screen and copy and paste the long website address on that page. 

Our e-mail address is

What is our answer?

Once we receive your trade request, the dealership owner will review your message and any photos.

We will be in touch within a day or two. We review every request, but due to the volume of requests we receive, we only pursue a limited number.